We celebrated Tyler's 2nd Birthday a week early with Nana Pat and Papa. I think Scott was relieved to see Tyler was as excited about his new power tools as his boy baby doll. Am I raising a sensitive manly little boy or what?
I have some vacation days I have to get in before the end of the year so I took the afternoon off and surprised Leah with a girls afternoon out. I picked her up from daycare and took her to her 1st movie in the theater. It was such a pleasure to spend time with her one on one and remember she's not just the bossy big sister that I expect too much from. She's an absolute pleasure. Her smiles and sweet voice are enough to give me butterflies in my stomach. She was so estatic and I really think I needed a mental health day.
I know there's a poem in there some where. I've come to realize I've shared alot of time with the shadowy figure of tree limbs outside my bathroom window. After 3 pregnancies and delivering a 9 lbs baby I still make more late night trips then I'd care to admit. I find myself looking out the window and watching the season change. After seven years of looking out that same window I realize there's just no stopping time no matter how much I'd like to.
I am like most any other woman who wears too many hats. I work full time in Corporate Finance and enjoy being a mother to my two beautiful children for the few short hours a day I see them. I finished my MBA a few years ago and now it's my husbands turn to go to law school. Needless to say life is quite busy.