Thursday, November 29, 2007


Tyler has the strangest and cutest little quirks. When he eats he has to pierce his food with his index finger. Seeing him try to put his chunky little finger through a Cheerio like it's a ring brings a smile to my face every time. Of course this maneuver doesn't work for various textured food but he's amazingly agile at getting food in his mouth using just one finger. It's quite a feat. You'd have to see it. His other quirk that has me giggle is his obsession with spoons. Most kids fall in love with a cuddly blanket or a teddy bear. Tyler has a thing for utensils. It doesn't really matter if it’s wood, plastic or metal as long as it could be used in some fashion to shovel food into your mouth. Of course you know that's not what he uses them for. Each meal we end up using at least three spoons. One of each of his hands and one I use in an attempt to get his food and meds down his throat. At the end of each meal he refuses to give up his spoons and if we didn't use spoons he's not content until I give him one. He then carries them around with him every where he goes. Usually he'll let go of one while in the tub and shortly before he passes out for the night he finally lets go of the last spoon. It just never ceases to amaze me despite crawling, cruising, playing, bathing and dressing he still has a spoon in his hand. I love my little man and all his little quirks.

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