I asked Leah to make her Daddy a Father's day card and I'll admit it was actually a ploy to get a few minutes of quite. A few minute's past and while I was expecting to look up and see a bunch of scribbles (spider webs as she calls them), this is what I found. Now I'm sure at 1st glance one is likely to think it's just another so so drawing done by some kid with backwards letters but this is really cool. Not only is this the first time she's drawn some thing which actually looks like something (a butterfly) but she wrote "DAD" all on her own! She didn't even ask me how to spell it. I'm sorry but this Mama is gushing. My baby can spell! That's pretty dang impressive for a 3 year old isn't it?

We went to the Tribe game for the annual Cleveland Clinic Family day. It was a beautiful day and the kids did as well as kids can be expected to do. Leah got a special Cleveland Clinic - Travis Hafner bat to remember the occasion. I couldn't figure out if Tyler was really into the game and all the going ons or if he was afraid of heights being in the nose bleed section. $60 in hotdogs, soda and ice cream later we headed home and feasted on fillets and twice baked cheesey potatoes from Omaha Steaks. It was a nice day and I think Scott is enjoying his new Pilot MP3 player. Note to self...buy Pop a hat that fit's.
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