Seems Leah has inherited my mother's sweet blood. Well actually I believe it's technically the emitance of more CO then the average person. Anyhow seems the bugs have taken quite a liking to her this year. The past several weeks I've noticed a new bite on her each day. Going to the mountains I was torn with what type of repellant to use. I thought deet was a no no but if you find something without deet it doesn't seem to faze the bugs in the least. On Monday I picked her up from school and her teacher pointed out a strange mark on her arm and we concluded it was about 3 bites really close together. Yesterday I picked her up and the same area looked like a bulls eye. A little nervous it was ring worm, I covered it up with a big band aid and decided to wait and see what it looked like in the morning. This morning the bulls eye was enormous and she had another bulls eye on her ankle, several little bumps on her other arm, a big bump on her forearm, a nice big bite right on her knee, on her forehead, above her eye and another bump on her hand and a strange mark on her shin. So I took her into the dr and the 1st dr was stumped. We waited for a second opinion and we're working under the assumption it's not contagious (no ring worm thankfully) and that her body is having a serve reaction to every little nip. Hopefully a couple days of hydrocortisone and Benadryl will clear things up. If not it's on to antibiotics in case it's Lyme disease. I'm certain I would have noticed a tick on her arm and ankle so I'm pretty comfortable in dismissing the Lyme disease theory but I feel bad for my itchy, bumpy little girl. Shew fly don't bother her.

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