Can you believe after 4 years of dealing with some of the craziest hair ever and resisting every urge to cut bangs it all was for not, thanks to a 4 year old classmate with a pair of sissors? It took me almost 24 hours to figure out something was amiss. I kept thinking her hair was getting really dark this winter...then when she was walking up the stairs I saw it. That unmistakable clump of chopped hair. Her hair looked darker because the blond tips in front had been cut off. Tonight I broke down and tried to fix it. First it resulted in bangs then when I got her out of the tub I found another clump of chopped hair on the side. 4 inches later it is now the shortest it's been since she was about 2 years old. I'm sure it looks just fine but since it's something I did I'm questioning if I did the right thing attempting to fix it. If it took me so long to figure it out would anyone else have noticed if I let it be? If nothing else she likes it. She was gleaming looking in the mirror then tells me "Mommy I really love my hair....Daddy's gonna FREAK!" Another moment worth bottling.
Need to see a pic. Might be the time for the visit to the salon. Ask Scott about the time he cut his own hair.
Pat Heasley
I think Leah looks cute with bangs
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