I don't know what it is about Obama but every one I know comments on how much their kids love him. Is it the name? I know I certainly wasn't into Reagan this way. In fact I remember crying when ever I saw Reagan on the TV because he was always talking about the cold war and I was convinced the end of the world was near. Well my kids seem to have a fondness for Obama. Tyler even joins in the excitement. When he sees him on the news he points to the TV and yells in his jumbled little voice "Barack, Barack". A few weeks ago
Inside Business Magazine had an article about extending the wear of a mans wardrobe in a tough economy. Leah saw the graphic included with the article and insisted she needed to cut out the little man and cloth him. After a few minutes of playing dress up she decided the man looked like Barack Obama and colored his face and hands brown then dressed him in a suit. I had to laugh when she included the jacket. Maybe it's an early start to being civic minded individuals. Either way kids imaginations are just so much fun to watch grow.
Liz, Jenna has a strange obsession with our president too. I think kids are far more receptive to energy than we are. I like to think they feel the positive shift and it's thrilling to watch their excitement. It's contagious.
Ava absolutely loves the President. We all watched the campaign unfold together and she has buttons and pins from the campaign. Every time she sees him on the TV she yells, "That's Rock Obama!"
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