Saturday, May 2, 2009

How Much $200 in Carpet Really Costs Revisited

In case you were interested there has been some progress on the sunroom. The framing has passed inspection and we are now working on getting estimates for siding the whole house. Needless to say my $200 in new carpet for the sunroom has taken on a life of it's own. The need for new carpet lead to the discovery of rot in the baseboards which lead to the discovery of rot in the wall, which lead to the discovery of rot in the framing. Fixing the problem has lead to a rebuilding the corner of the room, and while we're at it we should replace the windows too....We'll never find that same paneling...who likes paneling anyways? Let's ripe it out....before I know it all the exterior walls and floor have been torn out. As long as that's being done let's put a slider in. Oh and won't a bay window be nice...okay now we need a deck for the slider to go out lets move the air conditioner and the incoming electrical and phone lines and oops the power line to the garage got knocked down. Let's bury it. Obviously we should get the house sided like we've been planning since we moved in 8 years ago. If we're going to do all that do we really want that old nasty railing on the roof? This is Ohio....we really shouldn't have a flat roof...let's slope the roof and take the exterior door out of Leah's room and replace it with a window. So needless to say instead of getting the house ready to sell it seems we are now committed to staying. Leah will be going to private school in the fall and I'm just praying I'm not forced to take many more furloughs so I can pay for all this. Who knew $200 in carpet could be so dang expensive.
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