Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Graduate - Again

I thought it was so silly last year when Leah had her preschool graduation and even sillier when I found out she would have a kindergarten graduation this year. Really what's the purpose of a kindergarten graduation? She's not changing schools. She'll be right back there with the same kids come late August.
Well I have to say this graduation really meant something to me. She's blossomed so much in the past year. The whole school gathered with parents and grandparents to celebrate the kindergarteners. I felt like it was a way of welcoming them into the community. After the service the 1st grade parents hosted a reception. In the past week I've had a blast going to various PTO functions and seeing how Leah interacts and relates to her classmates. She no longer needs us by her side. I just get a kick out of seeing how the older students know her and engage her. The boys in her class tease her but only because they love her and they know she can take it. The girls in her class are all beautiful and full for smiles and giggles. I just love it. My beautiful little girl is starting to find her way in this world and in a blink of an eye I'm sure I'll be sitting at her highschool graduation longing for the days of silly kindergarten graduations.

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