Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Day in the Park(s)

Scott was busy studing for summer finals so I decided to take the kids to the park to get them out of his hair for a few hours. We ended up packing a picnic and spending the whole day in the Emerald Necklace.
At one point on our drive we had to stop for a flock of turkey crossing the street. When I explained why we stopped the kids looked at the birds and declared that turkeys are on farms and the birds must be baby osterich....you know because some how in their mind it's ok that baby osterich are running about in N.E. Ohio.
We really are so fortunate to have such a spectacular park system. I used to spend every free moment I had in one of the various parks. The kids and I visited my 2 favorites, Squaw rock and Squires Castle. I was expecting alot of belly aching about tired legs when it came to hiking but both kids were real troopers and Leah kept climbing higher and higher, leaving her poor breathless mama in the dust.

The adventure begins
Squaw Rock

Leah - Chagrin River
Tyler - Get me off this rock!

Race to Squire's Castle - note who's last

Dad's Day Run

I very rarely log on to my pc at home anymore. After looking at a pc all day it's the last thing I want to do when I get home...so if I can't do something from my iPhone I generally won't bother. As a result this post has been a long time coming.

Scott ran his first 5 mile run on fathers day. The kids and I dropped him off then drove to my parents house just down the street then walked up to cheer him on. Unfortunately we weren't able to find him before the race started but I promise we were there. We hung out on the play ground and the first runners started to come in a half hour later. We went to the finish line to watch him come in...again he came in sooner then I was expecting and I missed the photo op so this as good as it gets. I gotta say that's one good lookin guy after running 5 miles.