Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Milestone Almost Missed

I'm guessing/hoping it's pretty common to get to a point where a mother finds that she's lost a bit of her identity outside of being a mother, wife and employee. I not so sure how well I do any of these "jobs". I keep telling myself I need to stop making excuses and start doing something for me.
Last Friday a co-worker asked me to go out for drinks and I found myself making excuses again. I wasn't really dressed for a night out and I needed to drop off a check at the old daycare and more importantly it was Tyler's 1st day at his new preschool and I really wanted to hear all about his day and take him out for a celebration dinner. I headed home, kicking myself for making more excuses but when I got home and saw my little man's smile I realized going home was "for me". To top of the evening Leah lost her 1st tooth at dinner and I was there for it. There's no other place I would rather' have been.

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