Friday, February 15, 2008

Bringing New Meaning to "Relaxing Bath"

I suppose I should have known something wasn't right when I picked Tyler up from Kindercare on Wednesday night. He was falling asleep on one of the teachers. He just started at Kindercare last week and suddenly was forced to give up his second nap so I thought maybe it was just catching up with him. When he fell asleep in his highchair at dinner I thought maybe I'd just put him straight to bed but he was filthy and in dire need of a bath. So I figured if nothing the bath would wake him up a little and then I'd get him dressed for bed and put him down once his hair dried. Well he literally fell asleep in the tub. When he toppled over and barely opened an eye while he was under water I knew something was wrong. I scooped him up, wrapped a towel around him and took his temp. The whole while he barely bothered to open his eyes to figure out where he was. The only time I have ever seen a child act so catatonic was when Leah was 4 months old and we spent a week in the hospital. His temp was only 100.3 and his breathing and color seemed fine so I dressed him and put him down for the night. Of course I called my mom and sister to get a few motherly second opinions. All agreed as long as his temp was below 102 we should just let him sleep and reevaluate in the morning. Thursday he slept nearly all day and his fever climbed to 101 but for the few hours he was awake he was pleasant and really enjoying his broom. When his fever hit 102 this morning I had Scott call the Dr. The poor thing seems to have inherited my cruddy lungs. He has pneumonia! I'm sure you can imagine the motherly guilty I have since I didn't take him in yesterday. With his reflux and chronic croupy cough I never can tell how sick he truly is. When I hear him wheezing, I take him in and they tell me it's in his upper air ways and nothing to worry about. Guess that wasn't the case this time around.

The poor thing is on more drugs then I think can fit into a 14 month old.

Proof of why I have no money

  • Amoxicillin - 2 times a day
  • Albuterol nebulizer - every 3 hours
  • Flovent inhaler - 2 times a day
  • Prevacid - for reflux
  • Saline drops
  • Trimcinolone Acetonide Ointment -for eczema patches
  • Aquaphor - to reduce eczema flare ups
  • Binkie - to give mommy and daddy a moment of peace
  • (Not pictured) Thomas humidifier
  • Coke - For mommy's fix

1 comment:

Crib Tales said...

Oh poor baby!! Liz - hugs! I was just popping in to check on you guys and I find this. I'm so sorry. We have the crud around here, too, but gracious, nothing as bad as what poor Tyler's got going on. Feel better soon big guy!!