Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Baby Signs

We never really got into signs with Leah but there really is something to the connection between hand and mouth. Tyler is well behind Leah verbally at the same age. He doesn't even really have a word yet...sounds for things (da for dog, daa for daddy, maa for mama and ba for bye) but no words. This last weekend Scott and I worked on the sign for more and T picked it up really quickly. We even thought he was working to saying more but weren't quite sure. Anyhow, each night on the drive home I give the kids crackers in the car. Tyler of coarse gobbles his down almost before I'm able to get the car in drive. The night after working on the sign I heard the sweetest little voice in the back seat saying "mor....mor...mor" I look in my rear view mirror and see him signing more. Reminds me, I really do need to store more crackers in the car.

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