Saturday, March 1, 2008

Kids are Amazing

So after Leah and Scott came back from sledding my dad stopped by and we finished laying the rest for the tile in the kitchen. Yippee! We just need to grout, put some toe molding in and of course I have to paint again since the color I just had to have last year no longer works with the floors but we're well on our way. While the fridge has been back in its rightful place for a week of last night, it no longer works. Nothing like throwing away a whole fridge and freezer full of food. It's not even 7 years old so hopefully it an easy/cheap fix.

Amazingly Tyler slept through all the commotion but when he did wake up, he looked like he had been hit by a truck. His face was swollen and his beautiful big blue eyes were hidden under tons for goop. Scott mentioned that his hands were piping hot. I was certain he had a temp again but was curious how high it was. 104.2! 104.2! 104.2! Oh my! Give me a heart attack! I've never seen a number that high before. I striped him down to his diaper, gave him some Tylenol and called the Dr. In the time it took the on-call Dr to return my call, he was drinking, eating, talking and playing. Are you kidding me! My temp hits 101 and I'm done for. This kid has a temp of 104 and he's smiling and laughing at his sister. He's just so good natured I can't believe how lucky I am. I love that little man more then words could describe. Here he is....I think we were down to about 103 by this point. It's just amazing what their little bodies can put them through and they just bounce right back.

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